Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler Settings

These are advanced settings; we only recommend changing these if you are familiar with these features or if instructed by our support staff.
Trigger methods:
- cURL and Socket are the recommended defaults; they send an asynchronous HTTP request.
- Javascript uses an Ajax call; this is useful for servers where Socket or cURL do not work and Cron is not available.
- Cron requires setup in crontab or the task scheduler on Windows.
- Fork uses the fork() system call on Unix systems.

Cron requires setup in crontab or the Windows task scheduler

Used to prevent unauthorized running of the task scheduler.

The minimum time between running tasks, in seconds.

The maximum number of concurrent processes running tasks that are allowed.

The maximum number of tasks that are run during each request. If a task is determined to have done nothing, it may not count towards this number.

The maximum time allowed per request. This number will be automatically scaled if ini_get() can read max_execution_time from php.ini.

The maximum time before a task is considered to have died. The task will then be reset and freed to execute again.

The maximum number of concurrently running jobs. This setting is limited by "Concurrent Processes"