
Edit Subscription Plan

Please note that payment parameters (Price, Recurrence, Duration, Trial Duration) cannot be edited after creation. If you wish to change these, you will have to create a new plan and disable the current one.

Choose an image to show with this plan. This image will show with this plan at the user panel of your site. [Note: You can add a new image from the "File & Media Manager" section. If you leave the field blank then nothing will show.]

The member will be placed into this level upon subscribing to this plan. If left empty, the default level at the time a subscription is chosen will be used.

Choose from below the Member Level which will be changed for members when their current subscribed plan expires. You should choose a lower Member Level from the Member Level which is associated with this current plan.

The amount to charge the member. This will be charged once for one-time plans, and each billing cycle for recurring plans. Setting this to zero will make this a free plan.

How often should members in this plan be billed?

When should this plan expire? For one-time plans, the plan will expire after the period of time set here. For recurring plans, the user will be billed at the above billing cycle for the period of time specified here.

Enter number of additional days after which Member Level of members will be a downgrade. This time will be calculated after the normal expiration of the plan. Enter ‘0’ if you do not want to give extra days.

Do you want to send Reminders for Emails & Notifications?

Choose the duration (in Days) from Plan Expiry before which Email and Notifications should be sent to members of your website. This duration will be calculated from the expiry date of Plan.

Can members choose this plan? Please note that disabling this plan will grandfather in existing plan members until they pick a new plan.

Can members choose this plan on signup?

Can members choose this plan after signup?

If choosing a plan on signup is disabled, this plan will be assigned to new members. Selecting this option will switch this setting from the current default plan. Only a free plan may be the default plan.

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